Our Officers


Red Clay's leadership includes a Session of Ruling Elders and a Board of Deacons. Please visit our staff directory to view Red Clay's staff. Our staff org chart can be found here.

Session (Ruling Elders)

Red Clay’s elders serve three-year terms, giving leadership to the life of the church and participating in Session. Elders' lives reflect a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, Christian maturity, a walk and conversation that is an example beyond reproach, the gift of commission to govern, an active prayer life, and service to Red Clay’s committees and ministries.

Moderator: Rev. Dr. Nathaniel D. Phillips
Clerk of Session: Sandra Sarjeant
Co-Clerk of Session: Nancy James

Class of 2025
Anne Ceres
Mark Cozine
Bob Emmons
Lois Galinat
Jim Murray
Vicki Smith
Class of 2026
Andrew Bloom
Nancy James
Marcia Kelly
Heather Kennedy
Linda Reisor
Brandon Wallace
Class of 2027
Steve (Jay) Armstrong
Brian Conly
Fred Crowley
Christine Fischer
Scott McHenry
Karen Vordemberge

The Board of Deacons

I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. -- Matthew 25:40

A Deacon is someone who loves the Lord and acts upon that love with gifts of service through a variety of ministries, including coffee and fellowship, serving meals, visiting elderly members, serving Communion to home-bound members, delivering flowers to those who are ill or shut-in, and planning events to encourage fellowship among members.

Moderator: Sue Gleason

Class of 2025
Norman Carlson
Jane Conly
Gail Eden
Darlyn Green-Kocher
Bonnie Hudson
Meredith Jones
Kathy Lassahn
Susan Leininger
Class of 2026
Karen Caldas
Susan Gleason
Alyce Graham Stiles
Mary Ellen Gruber
Barbara Jaffee
Bret Lanan
Donna Reilly
Jayne Townsend
Class of 2027
Kathy Ciabattoni
Sandy Dudley
Jackie Kacmar
Andy Lo
Betsy Marsey
Barbara Sowden
Barb Tostrup