Jeffrey Miller
Director of Music
Office: 302-998-0434 Ext. 108
Although his training has always included the solo piano and organ repertoire, Jeffery Miller's career turned to accompanying very early. At the age of 9 he was accompanist for his elementary school chorus, which sang throughout the coal regions of Carbon County, and began playing for Sunday School hymn singing at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Summit Hill, PA. Jeffrey was confirmed on Pentecost Sunday at St. Paul's in 1966, and the next Sunday began his career as a church organist at the local Methodist church, making this year his 45th as a professional church musician.
During his freshman year at WCU he realized that accompanying was his calling, and since that time he has performed hundreds of recitals, both sacred and secular with some of America’s finest singers. He was chosen as the accompanist for two successive Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Choir Festivals, accompanying the Britten Te Deum in E on the E. M. Skinner organ at Phillips Memorial (WCU) under the direction of Gregg Smith.
Jeffrey has been Director of Music at Red Clay since 2000, and is Music Director at Opera Delaware for 32 consecutive seasons, including a position as OD’s Chorus Master since 1995.
Mr. Miller’s life-long interest in the history of recorded sound, focusing primarily on classical vocal recordings, inspired him to take an active part in making early recordings available to the public. As Production Coordinator for the CD companies Romophone and Marston, he has participated in the release of over 100 compact discs of historic singers, including the complete recorded output of Emma Eames, Adelina Patti, Lucrezia Bori, Pol Plancon, and Luisa Tetrazzini. He continues to work closely with Ward Marston to this day, providing the public with carefully restored CD transfers of rare and beautiful material at a fraction of the cost of the original source discs. His own collection of historical recordings has been used as source material for the Great Recordings from the Met series.