Service Challenge
Our annual January Service Challenge officially begins on Sunday, January 12. Throughout the month, we'll live out the call to bless others by taking part in service activities such as packing meals for the hungry, volunteering at local non-profits, offering friendship through a hot meal, preparing handmade items and tokens of love for those who need a lift, and much more. We hope you'll join us in taking the challenge!
Below you'll find links to sign-ups for our events, and to our brochure which outlines the entire month. For weekly updates on the Service Challenge and more details about how you can involved, sign up for our mission & outreach newsletter, The Roots & Rays Rundown. Further questions on how to get involved? Reach out to Rachele at .
Food Bank SignupRise Against Hunger SignupDonate BlooDALL OTHER SIGNUPSSee the BrochurE
Serve Local
Our serving ministries are led by Rachele Gilmore, our Director of Community Life! It is our hope to lead the church from a "hand out" program, through a "hands on" ministry, and into "hand-in-hand" relationships that welcome God's mission through transformational relationships. That is, when we enter into a relationship of friendship and mutuality - not transaction - with others (especially those unlike ourselves), God tends to use that relationship as a mission field to transform our lives, heal our brokenness, and open our eyes to the beauty around us. Take a look at some of the ways we Hand Out, puts Hands On, and seek to be Hand-in-Hand!
If you want more information on how to get involved, email Rachele, or if you want to receive our weekly outreach newsletter The Roots & Rays Rundown, click on the corresponding button below.
Email Rachele Sign up for The Rundown