
Current Series

Count Your Blessings

January Sermon Series - Service Challenge 2025

Many of us can remember sitting in a Sunday school classroom, singing with a teacher leading us in the familiar words: “Count your blessings, name them one by one; count your blessings, see what God has done!” Maybe you were in a circle of folding chairs, clutching a construction paper craft, or sneaking a look at the snacks for later. Those simple lyrics taught us something profound: when we pause to notice the blessings in our lives, our hearts begin to change. 

Heaven & Nature Sing - December Sermon Series

This Advent season, we invite you to join us as "Heaven & Nature Sing!" Imagine the stars twinkling a bit brighter, the trees whispering ancient stories, and the hills humming a tune as all creation celebrates the coming of Christ. 

Dinner Party Sermon Series

So many meaningful moments happen around the dinner table, from family gatherings where laughter fills the room to special meals that mark significant milestones. This fall we will come to the table with a series called, "Dinner Party: Sermons on How God’s Table Brings Us Together.” 

Making the Grade

We all face tests. Some we’re ready for, while others feel like unexpected "pop quizzes." Yet, we still seek signs of affirmation—a gold star from God that encourages us to keep going. This sermon series explores this theme through the tests of Abraham, Gideon, Jesus, and Peter. 

Hope for Tomorrow Sermon Series

We will explore the captivating story of the apostle Paul's shipwreck (Acts 27). Just as Thomas Obadiah Chisholm found inspiration in his personal struggles to pen the timeless hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness," we too can find hope and encouragement in the midst of whatever life throws at the ship of our lives. 

Lenten Sermon Series

Work is complicated. Relationships are complicated. Life is complicated. Lent is a good time to remember to keep it simple.

Lighting the Way

We hope to light the way through our Sunday services, musical events, toy drive outreach, community programming, children's activities, online devotionals, and much more. 

Rooted in Love

We will spend November exploring what it means to be "Rooted in Love".