Next Steps

We welcome and encourage you to become a member of Red Clay.

How to Join

There are two ways to join – by participating in a membership class or taking part in a confirmation class, which is typically targeted to youth (e.g., 8th graders).

New Member Classes

Information sessions and membership classes are offered several times a year. Each "cycle" may include a visitor orientation with the pastors, a history session with a tour of the church, and/or a group dinner.  On a Sunday following these events, you will be welcomed as a new member of the congregation during one of the worship services. Please see the most recent Sunday bulletin, Life at the Creek, or other announcements on for information on upcoming membership events. You may also speak with the pastor or contact the church office (302-998-0434, ) regarding events or any other aspects of membership.

By becoming a member of Red Clay, you will be asked to support the church through your participation and giving of your time and talents. Our church is self-funded and relies on the faithful support of its members to support our excellent programs physically, spiritually, and financially. You will find that by becoming an involved, active member, you will receive much more than you give.

Membership Application

Confirmation Class

The Confirmation Class meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 11:30 am. For more information contact Ben Andrews at