
Hope for Tomorrow Vision Campaign

In 2022, we celebrated 300 years of being a faith community. As we crossed this monumental threshold, it was important to ask, "How will we leave our legacy for the next 100 years?" Rooted in a deep and abiding commitment to our mission, we are taking decisive steps to live into this calling for generations to come. With love as our guide, we are lighting the way for the renewal of our historic facility, hope for our children, glorifying God in our worship, and building new connections in our community.

Following an overwhelmingly positive response during our feasibility study and with the Session’s unanimous approval, we’re excited to launch our 3-year, $1.3 million Vision Campaign: "Hope For Tomorrow". We invite you to prayerfully consider making a financial commitment to this campaign. This would be in addition to your annual giving contribution.

We hope that you will be inspired by the ambitious work we have ahead of us. Your contributions will directly enable us to realize the campaign's priorities and propel Red Clay Creek Presbyterian Church into a vibrant future. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to our shared mission and vision. 


Strength for Today

Our legacy has been built by the hundreds of families who call this place home.

It is through these families that our church has bounced back from Covid with strength! Together we see worship attendances higher than before the pandemic, a summer arts camp that reminds us of when VBS was strong, a new children's choir, a well-attended mission trip, and the list goes on. Through the hands and feet of our church family we are able to provide meals for children all over the world, help for the homeless right here in our community, and meaningful support to a wide variety of local partners in feeding, clothing, and supporting those in need.

These day to day joys of supporting our congregation and community are the foundation of who we are at Red Clay. Last year we looked back and celebrated the 300th Anniversary of our church! As you might already know, our leadership team has been dedicated to looking forward at how we can best live into our mission of being Rooted in Love, and Lighting the Way.

Just like in your own family, it is necessary for our church to ensure that our day-to-day expenses are covered. Our Annual Giving campaign remains a vital piece of the puzzle and serves as our Strength for Today. Pledges to Annual Giving help to support the care of our current facility, staff, and community. To keep up with the day to day needs of the church, we asking all families to prayerfully consider at least a 10% increase in their pledge. We asked for and received this from you last year and, as we continue to respond to the setbacks of Covid and attempt to keep our current programs and staff in place, we will need to experience the strength of your generosity again. Together we will lay the foundation for the next season of ministry; both inside our walls and out in the community.

As we embark on this grand endeavor, let us return to the words of that great old hymn with the assurance that "all we have needed God's hand has provided."