

A Deacon is someone who loves the Lord and acts upon that love with gifts of service through a variety of ministries, including calling on new members to extend the hand of friendship and welcome them into the Red Clay family, visiting elderly members, serving Communion to home-bound members, delivering flowers to those who are ill or shut-in, bringing meals to families in need of encouragement, and planning events to encourage fellowship among members. The below represents just a few of the core ministries of the deacons.

Coffee and Fellowship

Our deacons host Coffee Hour each Sunday after worship. Coffee, lemonade, snacks, and fellowship are on the menu - all are invited to Founders Hall! That's not where their hospitality ends! The deacons are involved in almost every church function that involves the kitchen - including funeral receptions and church dinners.

Join the Crew

Friends & Fellowship Luncheon

We invite all to join us the 2nd Tuesday of each month (October, November, December, March, April, May) for this special time of fellowship with church staff and friends.  Join us in Founders Hall  at 12 noon for a delicious catered lunch.   Reservations are required.  Contact  . or call 302.998.0434 to RSVP.

Register for Lunch

Keep in Touch (KIT)

In an effort to Keep in Touch with members that we have not seen in some time, our Deacons regularly follow up to check in on how things are going. During and after COVID, this became an increasingly important ministry as we have worked hard to maintain connection with those that are unable to be in large groups.

Cards and Flowers

The deacons have an ongoing card ministry that reaches out to those that need a pick me up. In addition, the flowers from worship are hand delivered each week by a deacon to a person that is need of care or congratulations. After Christmas Eve and Easter, the deacons deliver the pointsettias and tulips to shut ins. These small acts of love are always greatly appreciated!

Help with Delivery

Serve Meals

When it comes time to serve food to the congregation, the deacons are always there. Whether it be at a funeral reception, our annual Advent Dinner, celebratory cakes, and other special events, the deacons take care of making sure everyone is fed and that the event senses the Red Clay hospitality.

Serve Meals

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry began in 1998 by Janet Severi Bristow and Victoria Galo as “a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice which reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace, as well as in celebration and joy.” They can be considered a “wearable hug”! At Red Clay Church prayer shawls are knitted or crocheted by members of the church and have been blessed for their use. They come in various colors, sizes, and patterns, depending on the choices of the creator. They are available to church members and their families as well as friends who are having a difficult time or are facing difficult challenges. To arrange for a prayer shawl for someone, contact the church office or Sue Gleason. The inventory is limited so distribution will be decided by Pastor Nate or Pastor Emily. Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is an on-going ministry with prayer shawls being knit and crocheted at home by folks who love to make them and who also love to help others. If you would like to join us in making them, please contact Sue Gleason ( ) or Barb Tostrup ( ). We can suggest patterns and answer any questions.